Sreechaitanya College Logo

sreechaitanya college

Prafullanagar, Habra, 24Pgs(N) Pin-743268, W.B

Sreechaitanya College Logo

Sree Chaitanya College,Habra

(Arts and Science)

Prafullanagar, Habra, 24Pgs(N) Pin-743268, W.B

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Vision of The College

Character Formation through Knowledge and Value-based Education for Transformation of the Society and the Nation

Our Mission

a) To suit the above 'Vision', the 'Mission' of the College is to provide balanced, value based and knowledge based education informed by latest technology, with a view to instilling self-confidence among the students, in order to turn them into sensitive, dedicated and disciplined citizens who will display a high intellectual calibre, together with emotional balance and social commitment and particularly at helping the students with backward social and economic backgrounds living around the institution.

b) The college aims at moulding and shaping the students as good citizens with qualities of mind and heart showing commitment towards the nation as well as the community in which they live, extending the role of governance and leadership in discharging the different activities to its stakeholders and inculcating innovative practices. With such orientation students are expected to get involved in societal transformation.

c) Needless to say that since our College was established to serve the higher education needs of the hapless of youth, who had to bear the toll of Partition, we have always strove to spread education among this section of the society. Besides, we have to cater a huge number of students coming from the First Generation Literate families. Thus, our Vision and Mission does not come from any ivory tower but from the 'real' situation around us.

Principal Desk

To suit the above 'Vision', the 'Mission' of the College is to provide balanced, value based and knowledge based education informed by latest technology, with a view to instilling self-confidence among the students, in order to turn them into sensitive, dedicated and disciplined citizens who will display a high intellectual calibre, together with emotional balance and social commitment and particularly at helping the students with backward social and economic backgrounds living around the institution.Needless to say that since our College was established to serve the higher education needs of the hapless of youth, who had to bear the toll of Partition, we have always strove to spread education among this section of the society. Besides, we have to cater a huge number of students coming from the First Generation Literate families. Thus, our Vision and Mission does not come from any ivory tower but from the 'real' situation around us. rer

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