Sreechaitanya College Logo

sreechaitanya college

Prafullanagar, Habra, 24Pgs(N) Pin-743268, W.B

Sreechaitanya College Logo

Sree Chaitanya College,Habra

(Arts and Science)

Prafullanagar, Habra, 24Pgs(N) Pin-743268, W.B

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Sree Chaitanya College, Habra, seeks to establish a campus that is free from gender discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual assault at every level. The college abides by the Government of India’s Policy on prevention and prohibition of sexual harassment at the workplace (POSH Act, 2013), and the UGC (Prevention, prohibition, and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015. Since the UGC Regulations are statutory in nature, they are applicable to all universities and colleges throughout the nation. The full text of the Act can be accessed here. In compliance with the above, an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) has been formed to protect against sexual harassment of women at the workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment. The Committee aims to conduct awareness programs to enlighten the students and staff of the college on the issues of basic human rights, gender equality, and protection against sexual harassment. Students should be aware that sexual misconduct or harassment includes various behaviors, such as sexual assault, unwanted physical contact and touch, persistent unwelcome comments, emails, telephone calls, or sending text messages or images of a demeaning or offensive sexual nature. All harassment complaints are dealt with the strictest of confidentiality by the college's Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), which is empowered to investigate incidents of sexual harassment and make appropriate investigations and recommendations to the Principal/Governing Body for necessary disciplinary action.

Complaints of sexual harassment at the workplace may be sent by any aggrieved female student or staff of the college through email ( Alternatively, any student/s can confidentially report any incident of sexual harassment in writing to the Chairperson of the college ICC:

Dr. Srabani Biswas, Department of History (Chairperson, ICC)
+91 98366 23980

Detailed information regarding the college ICC can also be accessed through this following downloadable document: ICC